As a charity that works for its members (the students of the University of Surrey), Surrey Students’ Union has a range of policies which set out: our approach to different topics, who is responsible for each process, and what you can expect from us.
On this page, we’ve gathered together all active operational policy and governing documents. This does not include political policy which sets the Union’s opinion on a particular topic; these are governed by student committees such as Union Forum or the Annual Members’ Meeting.
Governing Documents
Governing documents form the ‘rule book’ for the Students’ Union: they set out our charitable obligations, structure, and rules that govern how the Union does business.
Operational Policies
Complaints Policy
The Students’ Union encourages the swift informal resolution of any concerns that relate to our services and operations. To formalize a complaint beyond this early-resolution, we define our process and your expectations of us in our Complaints Policy. For more information, please visit our dedicated page.
Disciplinary Policy
The Union may take disciplinary action where the student’s behaviour has affected:
- Another student or union employee
- Members of the public
- Others visiting, working or studying at the University
- The reputation of the Student’s Union
In addition to misconduct which happens within the Students Union or during Student Union activities, the Union may take disciplinary action in response to misconduct which takes place on social media or the digital environment.
The Our Disciplinary Procedure governs how the Union undertakes disciplinary action in relation to students.
Policy on Explicit Language in Songs
This Policy sets out the Students’ Union’s expectations of DJs at Union events in relation to songs which contain explicit/stigmatising language.
Sustainability Policy
Our Sustainability Policy sets out the Students’ Union’s commitment to environmental sustainability within our operations. We encourage students to visit our Sustainability page to understand more, or read the full policy.
Freedom of Speech Policy
Our Freedom or Speech Policy details our approach to ensuring freedom of speech on campus is promoted and protected alongside our legal duties as a charity.
Transgender & Non-Binary Policy
The purpose of this policy is to clarify appropriate language, USSU support during the transition process, provide guidance for trans or non-binary students wishing to take part in USSU activity, society and sporting activity as well as demonstrate USSU’s efforts to support the Trans community in line with the University’s Transgender and Gender Identity Policy.
Privacy Policies
One of our responsibilities is to tell you about the different ways we collect and use your personal data. The below links detail our Privacy Statements categorised via ‘
Our Privacy Policies set out how we collect and use your data.
RAG Fundraising Policy
This policy strives to set out a framework by which fundraising (for external causes, not related
to the Students’ Union itself), can occur within the Students’ Union. This framework derives from
the Union
according to the RAG donation policy’. This policy aims to set out requirements regarding how
funds may be raised and distributed, with specific regard to funds raised for charitable purposes.
Safeguarding Policy
This policy sets out our approach to safeguarding the welfare and wellbeing of adults at risk and children who visit the University of Surrey Students’ Union or participate in activities with us. It clarifies our ethical and legal responsibilities, and how we intend to practice our duty of care to protect them from harm.
Society & Member Code of Conduct
The purpose of this society code of conduct is to clarify the accepted behaviour of society members and to promote the values of USSU and the University.